The Christian church since the first century AD has invited people to make a decision to follow Jesus, and to make this decision publicly through water baptism.
The ritual of water baptism is a hugely significant event in the life of every Christian. Though simple in action, the symbolism of water baptism is powerful and profound.
The person being water baptised is fully immersed, which symbolises their old life of brokenness and sin being buried and put to death in the waters. The person is then raised out of the waters, symbolising that they are born again, made new, pure and innocent, free from sin and death.
Jesus Himself was water baptised which you can read about in Matthew 3. After His resurrection Jesus commanded His followers, the church, to go into all the world, proclaim the good news, and baptise people (Matthew 28, Mark 16).
The ritual of water baptism is your public moment, before God, your church family, and loved ones; where you declare that you are now a follower of Jesus. You are publicly committing to follow Jesus for the rest of your days and to live for Him.
Here at C3 Invercargill we love seeing people be water baptised. Our water baptism services are full of fun and passionate (often loud) celebration as we join with God and His Angels in cheerings and celebrating the commitment you’ve made to follow Jesus.